A Devotion from Alexander Maclaren

Perfect love casteth out fear 1 John 4:18

Fear and love rise up in antagonism to each other as motives in life, like those two

mountains from which respectively the blessings and curses of the old law were

pronounced—the Mount of Cursing all barren, stony, without verdure and without water; the

Mount of Blessing green and bright with many a flower, and blessed with many a trickling rill.

Fear is barren. Love is fruitful. The one is a slave, and its work is little worth. The other is free,

and its deeds are great and precious. From the blasted summit of the mountain which

gendereth to bondage may be heard the words of the law; but the power to keep all these laws

must be sought on the sunny hill where liberty dwells in love and gives energy to obedience.

Therefore, if you would use in your own life the highest power that God has given us for our

growth in grace, draw your arguments, not from fear, but from love.

Hope Church